December 22, 2024

automotif story

Advantages of using iridium spark plugs for cars

advantages of using iridium spark plugs

advantages of using iridium spark plugs

advantages of using iridium spark plugs for cars spark plugs are one of the vital components in a car, spark plugs to start the engine and drive all motion components in the car n general, there are several types of spark plugs that are used in cars In general, and iridium spark plugs are one of the favorites of car owners.

iridium spark plugs have better performance than standard spark plug types.

iridium spark plugs are widely recommended by car owners because they are able to produce higher power than standard spark plugs because it produces more even sparks metal material on iridium has excellent heat resistance and anti-rust because its melting point can reach 2000 degrees Celsius and this can increase the performance of the engine because it has very good combustion.

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advantages of using iridium spark plugs for cars iridium spark plugs have longer durability than standard spark plugs The service life of iridium spark plugs in your vehicle can reach the age of 100,000 Km and when it has reached the use of 100,000 Km then you can replace it with a new one The next advantage of using iridium spark plugs is that the exhaust emissions produced are more environmentally friendly when compared to you using standard spark plugs The next advantage of using iridium spark plugs is that they have anti-carbon fouling where this anti-carbon fouling spark plug is able to clean itself of carbon generated from the sparks produced in the engine combustion chamber Next, with a better combustion system than standard spark plugs, of course, it can save fuel consumption in your vehicle compared to using standard spark plugs where the combustion required on standard spark plugs requires more fuel than iridium spark plugs.

These are the advantages if we use iridium spark plugs in our vehicles compared to using standard spark plugs.