December 22, 2024

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Octane and oil quality

octane and oil quality

oil station

Octane and oil quality are closely related let’s follow a simple explanation of how the quality of the fuel consumed by the vehicle simply octane indicates about the quality of the fuel For example, a fuel with an octane of 95 is of very good quality.but also keep in mind that high octane does not always have a good impact on a vehicle engine if the engine compression used is not high.For example, the use of 95 octane fuel for cars is certainly more efficient with cars that have high compression, but it is different otherwise.therefore it is good if you need to pay attention to the needs of fuel with what octane is needed for your vehicle

Octane 88
fuel with an octane value of 88 tends to be more widely used by the community because the octane value is too lace and the price is cheap will not be recommended for use both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles but for now it is not available on the market

Octane 90
90 octane fuel is the standard type that can be recommended for use by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

Octane 92
octane 92 fuel is also a standard type that can be recommended for use by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles The nature of octane 92 has a cleaning agent that can clean the inside of the engine from the crust of fuel dirt left in the engine

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octane and oil quality also have types in the 95 octane value , 95 octane is considered to have a substance that can eliminate or clean the residue content due to the combustion process in the engine combustion chamber so that the combustion process becomes perfect.besides octane 95 there is still octane 98 and octane 100 where octane 98 and octane 100 are very high quality octane compared to the previous one, even octane 100 is commonly used in car racing activities because it will make the engine more responsive and stable in cars that have high performance such as car racing activities.